How we do it

Brands are represented in consumers’ minds as a network of memory associations that are activated whenever consumers are exposed to the brand.

Despite the enormous impact of brands on consumer behaviour, consumers are often unable to reflect on and describe these mental associations they hold with brands. This provides an enormous challenge for marketers seeking to understand factors that influence a target market’s behaviour when exposed to their brand, particularly when the brand capitalises on emotional associations.

Unfortunately, traditional research metrics that examine customer response to brands typically harness explicit measures that occur ‘after the fact’ via questionnaire or interviews that emphasise deliberative and rational thoughts that consumers link with brands.

We do things a little differently.

At Nuro we do things a little differently. We harness brain electrical activity signals to examine the dynamic flow of information through the brain as it occurs - millisecond by millisecond. We then connect these precise brain signals with brand theory to provide unique and deep insights about consumer responses to brands. Here are some of the unique advantages provided by our approach:

Nuro examines implicit consumer reactions to marketing stimuli.

We capture the brain response as it happens. As our measures incorporate millisecond precision, our metrics reflect the rapid and automatic brain responses that occur long before explicit reactions are activated.

Nuro metrics identify implicit brand equity associations

Brand responses that drive consumer behaviour are largely implicit and unavailable to conscious introspection by customers. Our metrics capture the implicit response to brands as they occur, unaffected by explicit biases that cloud traditional research metrics. We connect these implicit brand responses with leading brand equity models to reflect ‘neuroequity’ – the combined effect of implicit and explicit brand associations that drive brand decision-making

Nuro identifies brand responses based on ‘when’ and ‘where’ in the brain they happen.

Because we link precise timing information with responses to test stimuli, we can identify specific kinds of consumer responses based on ‘when’ things happen in the brain as well as ‘where’ they happen. The beauty of this approach is that we connect cutting-edge research techniques with decades of research revealing information flow through the brain.

  • Our Mission

    • Our mission is to help brand owners understand their customers better through cutting-edge neuroscientific insights and data.
  • Contact

    • Phone : +61 1800 960 260